Syenite wishlist

By: breadthe September 24, 2023

Updated: October 8, 2023

This is a list of features that I would like Syenite to have. None of these is guaranteed, but it’s good to track them in one place. The list is roughly in the order of priority I would like to tackle them.

If you haven’t already, check out the current features.

For more detailed notes, check out the v0.2 and v0.3 releases.


  • “Latest (10) articles” component, to be used on landing page and/or bottom of each article




  • Navigating to a link with a hashmark (heading link) doesn’t refresh or re-initialize the table of contents on that page. This is a problem with the TOC library I am using (explicitly mentioned in the docs 🔗).
  • Internal links should have the full URL in the href, not just the relative path, so instead of /2023/09/markdown-styling I want Actually I think I’m ok with relative links for now.
  • Handle double Updated scenario (when both updated frontmatter is set and the UpdatedAt component is used in the same article). Not super high priority, since this can be handled simply by not using the Updated component.

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